Workshops & Events

Yoga 101: A One-Day Workshop in the Basics
Offered Selected Weekends Each Month
Our beginner’s introductory “immersion experience,” Yoga 101 is designed for students who have never done yoga. Combining discussion, demonstration and practice, Yoga 101 will introduce you to yoga practice at a leisurely pace, step-by-step.

Tai Chi with Dede Nardini
March 17-April 28
(no class on 4/21)
Six Mondays
Beginner Level 2-3 pm
Intermediate Level 3-4 pm (Beginner Level is prerequisite for this class)
Join this Six-week Tai Chi class and enjoy the numerous benefits Tai Chi offers. We will be in-person and in-studio.

Grammy Winning Hamid Saeidi and 2x Grammy Winning White Sun at Yoga House! Join us for an evening of mystical and soothing music
Sunday, March 30, 5:30-7pm
Soothe your soul with the music of Grammy Winning Hamid Saeidi and White Sun, a Grammy-winning American musical group. They are popular for blending different musical styles and genres.

Yoga House 200-Hour Teacher Training 2025: Guiding the Path of Practice
A 200-Hour Registered Yoga Teacher Certification Program
6 three-day weekends • Friday-Sunday, 1-7 PM
April 4-6; May 2-4; May 30-June 1; September 5-7; October 3-5; October 31-November 2

Gods & Goddesses of The Yoga Tradition with René Quenell
Saturday, April 12, 2-4 pm
In-Studio Only
Ganesh, Shiva, Lakshmi, Saraswati and Durga – who are they?An Introduction to the gods and goddesses of the yoga tradition. Come learn how these powerful energies exist as archetypes within us and can be called upon as needed.

Relax, Re-Tune, Restore A Healing Sound Bath with Saharah Ali & Rashied Jibri
Saturday, April 19, 6-7:30pm (PST)
In-Studio Only
A special evening of sound led by sound healers Saharah Ali & Rashied Jibri. Relax in savasana as the healing tones of planetary gongs and crystal singing bowls bathe you in vibration, helping you reach deep states of relaxation and meditation. You will leave feeling "re-tuned," with a sense of restored balance in your body, mind, and spirit.

Yoga For Scoliosis with Benjamin Flowers
Saturday, April 26, 2-4:30pm
In-Studio Only
Let’s look at how to practice Yoga in a way that brings new alignment and balance to the body and address the asymmetries in the body in an empowering way.

Teaching and Practicing Trauma-Informed Yoga: Tools for Empowering Healing with René Quenell
May 17-18, 2-6 pm
In-Studio Only
For students and teachers, yoga instructors, mental health professionals, or anyone interested in learning how yoga can help to create a safe, supportive environment for anyone affected by trauma.

An Insightful Weekend Of Yoga with Leslie Howard
March 1-2
In-Studio Only
We welcome Leslie Howard, an internationally acclaimed yoga educator who pioneered the growing field of yoga for pelvic health. Join us this weekend and you will be more educated about your body and happier and healthier incorporating Leslie's suggestions into your life!

Yoga for your feet: Developing a balanced foundation with Benjamin Flowers
Saturday, February 8, 2-4pm
Develop healthy alignment in the feet, ankles and legs with Benjamin Flowers.

Finding Peace Amidst Chaos with John Sovec
Saturday, February 1, 2-4pm
In-Studio Only
This workshop offers a sanctuary to manage anxiety and find balance amidst the chaos. Join us for an empowering journey that blends the ancient wisdom of yoga with modern stress management techniques.

Grammy Award Winners Opium Moon & Yoga House present an evening of enchanting music in support of our fellow teachers and students who lost their homes in the wildfires
Saturday, January 25, 7:30-9:30pm
We are here for each other. Support Our Sangha!
“A sublime and sensual brew... that transports the listener to a musically soulful Shangri-La.”
~ Victoria Looseleaf , ArtNowLA

Yoga Nidra: The Art of Deep Rest and Relaxation with Peggy Burt
Saturday, December 7, 2-4:30pm (PST)
In-Studio Only
The art of yoga nidra, sometimes translated as the “yoga of sleep” is a portal to a state of being that is deeply refreshing. While still awake, the subtle body releases into a place of conscious awareness that renews the spirit.

Balancing Yin&Yang: A dynamic Asana Practice with Sabina Weber followed by a Surrendering Practice with Jacqui Dziak
November 9, 2-46pm
In-Studio Only
We invite you to experience an hour of yang yoga followed by an hour of yin yoga and feel the powerful effects of combining these diverse yet complementary styles of yoga.

Sound Bath: Retune with El Larson
Saturday, October 26, 6-7:30 pm
El Larson uses sound and space to help balance internal and external environments. Her sound baths blend ancient Himalayan singing bowls and other acoustic instruments with a live, synthesized soundscapes to create a space where people can release layers of stress and reconnect with their deeper aspects.

Developing Your Advanced Asana Practice with Ashleigh Doede
October 19-20, 2-6pm
In-Studio and Livestream
We will deepen our understanding of advanced asana and study the poses in the context of issues that may confront a yoga practitioner. Exploring the body’s inner and outer spaces. Cultivating embodied presence.

“Padmasana” the Lotus Pose with Benjamin Flowers
Saturday, September 21, 2-4pm
In-Studio & Livestream
Join Benjamin in this workshop to explore different approaches to padmasana, the lotus pose. Lotus pose is one of the most auspicious yoga posters for pranayama and meditation.

Experience Peru: Sacred Valley Yoga Retreat
September 21-28, 2024 Sacred Valley, Peru
This Peru: Sacred Valley Yoga Retreat delivers everything from the pulsing life of Cusco and the serene majesty of the Sacred Valley. This is a trip overflowing with elegance, culture, and connection.

Exploring Prana: Your Vital Life Force with Rene Quenell
August 10-11 , 2-6 pm
In-Studio & Livestream
Come join us for a fun and informative experience of the prana vayus. Learn how you can use these tools everyday, through asana, pranayama, mantra and mediation, to help direct the flow of your life.

Lower Back and Hip Stability with Benjamin Flowers
Saturday, July 13, 2-4pm
In-Studio & Livestream
Join Benjamin in this workshop to explore the relationship between the hips and the lower back, practicing asana in a way to balance strength and mobility in these areas.

Partner Up with Yoga House To Benefit Women & Children in India
A Partner Workshop To benefit Yoga Gives back with Farzaneh Noori & Jacqui Dziak
Saturday, June 29, 2-4pm
Join Farzaneh & Jacqui in this “Partner Yoga” workshop and help transform lives and communities in India. All proceeds will be donated to Yoga Gives Back (YGB), a grass roots nonprofit organization that has spread globally. YGB empowers women and children with basic education, scholarships for higher education and microloans for business.

The Joy of Movement: Playful Practice Explorations with Carrie Owerko
Friday-Sunday, June 21-23, In-Studio Only
Join Carrie for this all-levels workshop: a playful, modern movement science informed exploration of yoga and movement. We will explore novel ways to increase our capacity to move with variety, maintain and gain strength and mobility over time, and have fun doing so.
Say “yes” to the possibility of play. Say “yes” to the joy of movement.
~ Carrie Owerko

The 5 Koshas: The Layers Of Being and Our Journey Inward with Rene Quenell
Let the light of the soul shine through
April 27-28
In-Studio & Livestream
Come join Yoga House and René Quenell in an exploration of the Koshas. Through the study of theory, asana, pranayama and meditation, we will learn to use them as a powerful road map to our true being and gain even greater perception and understanding of who we are.

Vishoka Meditation with René Quenell
Saturday, March 16, 2-4:30 pm
In-Studio Only
Experience Boundless Joy
Vishoka Meditation is grounded in the authentic wisdom of an ancient, yet living, tradition embodied by luminaries including Buddha and Patanjali.

Flip Your Grip In Backbends with Jeanne DiNovis Montero
Saturday, February 24, 2-4:30pm
In-Studio Only
Explore your shoulder girdle mobility and learn to flip your grip in back bends such as king pigeon, dancer, bow and more…
Jeanne will guide us methodically to release tension and create freedom in shoulders, quads and hip flexors.

A Chair For Yoga...Make your asana practice richer and more fun!
with Farzaneh Noori
February 16-18
In-Studio & Livestream
Q: When is a chair more than a chair?
A: When you join Farzaneh for this dynamic workshop that explores the many ways a chair can deepen and enhance your practice of yoga pose.

Finding Connection with Diana Cummins
Saturday, January 27, 2-4pm
In-Studio Only
Experience this MOVING exploration into the underlying developmental movement patterns known as the Bartenieff Fundamentals, a component of the LABAN/BARTENIEFF MOVEMENT SYSTEM.

A Transformational Evening Of Kirtan with Dave Stringer & Sheila Nicholls
Saturday, January 20, 8-10pm
Celebrate Yoga House’s 27th anniversary with us!
Join us at Yoga House for a transformational evening of Kirtan and cultivate joy. Connecting to the essence of love within each of us. The message of Kirtan is simple. Cultivate ecstasy. Joy is contagious!

Relax, Re-Tune, Restore: A Healing Sound Bath with Saharah Ali & Rashied Jibri
Saturday, December 9, 6-7:30pm (PST)
In-Studio Only
A special evening of sound led by sound healers Saharah Ali & Rashied Jibri. Relax in savasana as the healing tones of planetary gongs and crystal singing bowls bathe you in vibration, helping you reach deep states of relaxation and meditation. You will leave feeling "re-tuned," with a sense of restored balance in your body, mind, and spirit.

Yoga House “Rejuvenation Retreat”
December 4-14, 2023
Kerala, India
Relax and vitalize the body and sooth the soul with our fall rejuvenation retreat. Together, we will explore the sources of health, peace and longevity.

Meditation, Yoga, & Somatic Movement | Prajna Immersion at Yoga House with Tias & Surya Little
November 10-12, 2023
In-studio only
Prajna is an amazing word suggesting ancient wisdom and ever present awareness. Prajna is the animating force that permeates every cell and tissue of our body. Join Tias and Surya for this journey through Prajna Yoga and connect to your center and into the very heart of your being.

Advanced Asana & Sequencing with Ashleigh Doede
October 20-22 In-Studio and Livestream
Friday, Oct. 20, 6-8pm
Saturday, Oct. 21, 2-6pm
Sunday, Oct. 22, 2-6pm
A series of advanced asana will be studied in the context of issues that may confront a yoga practitioner. Exploring the body’s inner and outer spaces. Cultivating embodied presence.

Being Fully Present Living An Awakened Life A Meditation Workshop with Ann D’Angelo M. A.
Saturday, October 14, 2-4pm
In-Studio Only
The practice of Mindfulness Meditation is a doorway to live an awakened life, to be fully present for whatever arises.

Exploring the Subtle Body with Paul Cabanis
Exploring the Subtle Body with Paul Cabanis
September 22-24
In-studio & Livestream
How we are embodied as individuals depends on the flow of energy (Shakti) which manifests itself as life-force, emotions, intellect, conscience, the power of will and the sense of self.

A Practice Of Twists with Benjamin Flowers
Saturday, September 9, 2-4:30pm
In-Studio & Livestream
Join Benjamin in this exploration of twists and experience the spaciousness to the inner body.

The Art Of Hands-On-Adjustments with Farzaneh Noori
The Art Of Hands-On-Adjustments with Farzaneh Noori
August 5-6 , 2-4:30pm, In-Studio Only
Through our study, we will learn to perceive clearly, developing skillful means to apply to each situation by becoming proficient in the arts of body reading

Samkhya: The yoga story of creation with Rene Quenell
July 14-16
In-Studio & Livestream
This is the stem of yogic theory and psychotherapy and the science of understanding pure consciousness (spirit) and nature (mind and emotions). We promise you will get to know yourself in a whole new way and learn how to appreciate your mind as your best friend and access the inner teacher that is your unique voice of wisdom.

HANUMANASANA (the forward splits) with Benjamin Flowers
Saturday, July 8, 2-4pm
In-Studio & Livestream
Join Benjamin in this workshop to practice different ways of supporting and propping the posture to make it safe and accessible for everyone.