Graduate Reviews

  300-Hour Teacher Training Overview

Making the commitment to pursue 300-hour certification at Yoga House will mark your next significant advance, both in your teaching and in your practice.

We have partnered with Rene Quenell for our 300-Hour Training.



This is a deeply personal and intimate journey designed to help you become an exceptional teacher and guide. It is a training like no other! Develop your intuitive skills for healing and set your teaching apart by giving students the direct experience and knowledge that is only available through this uniquely transcendent training.

Create the change you want to see while supporting yourself financially and emotionally. With Personal Mentoring, Structural Yoga Therapy, Advanced Anatomy and Ayurveda as our foundation, we’ll venture beyond asana into the advanced practices of the Himalayan Masters. You will stand out as an excellent teacher and help put the teachings of yoga into action.


300-Hour Teacher Training Core Curriculum

From gaining a greater understanding of teaching trauma-informed classes to the foundational concept of breathing techniques to new concepts in restorative yoga, the 300-hour course of study will impact virtually every aspect of your teaching… and your practice.


+ Expanded Practice & Sequencing with Farzaneh Noori

  • March 24-26
  • Friday March 24, 6-8pm
  • Sat/Sun March 25/26, 2-6pm

In this course, students will learn how to incorporate the use of chairs and wall ropes in their practices for optimal alignment and deeper understanding of the pose. We review sequencing principles and expand on how to adapt a practice to current conditions of the students, developing a more cohesive experience. You will learn the principles of Karama and gain the knowledge to cue your classes into an intelligent step-by-step sequence.

+ Breathing: A Yogic Model of Relationship with Leslie Kaminoff

  • Friday-Sunday April, 14-16, 2023

We start Friday evening with a breathing workshop, introducing you to your most important relationship- “The Breath”. Leslie will enhance this connection to the breath through the practice of yoga and the bandhas on Saturday and Sunday.

+ Yin Yoga with Melissa Christensen

  • Friday-Sunday May, 19-21, 2023

We will spend the weekend exploring the postures of yin yoga, the physical, mental, and energetic benefits of this style of practice, and the anatomy necessary to understand how different bodies create different shapes. We will look more closely at Paul Grilley's "Functional Approach to Yoga" and how it works with the teachings of both yin and yang asana.

+ Advanced Asana & Sequencing with Ashleigh Doede

  • Friday-Sunday June 16-18
  • Friday, 6-8 pm
  • Sat/Sun, 2-6 pm

A series of advanced asana will be studied in the context of issues that may confront a yoga teacher. The concept of “yoga in real time” incorporates aspects of a musical performance into teaching a yoga class.

Topics include:

  • Setting the tone and establishing the foundational structure of the class.
  • Starting your planning from the inside-out to bring an elegance to your classes.
  • Demonstrating poses with confidence as a fundamental teaching modality.
  • A full range of teaching enhancements, from adding refinement in asana, transitioning and pacing your classes and an enhanced understanding of the psychology of teaching.
  • The integration of philosophical teachings and poetry into your classes.

Hands-on adjustments are a profound way to aid students in their practice. Whether the adjustment is to deepen, align or relax a pose, a non-verbal communication can transform a yoga practitioner. Skillful adjustments communicate clearly, are firm or gentle as situations require, but should always offer deeper insight into the higher potentials of the body as well as the form and essence of the practice. You will hone your ability to read bodies as a guide to selecting an appropriate method of assisting, be introduced to a wide variety of adjustments in key asana and learn how to protect students from injury while adjusting. You’ll also enhance the confidence and skills necessary to offer the transformational power of hands-on adjustments to others with clarity and confidence.

+ Yoga Philosophy: Samkhya Yoga with Rene Quenell

  • Friday-Sunday, July 14-16
  • Friday, 6-8pm
  • Sat/Sun, 2-6pm

This module is designed to give students an overview of the history and lineage of yoga, important foundational knowledge for teaching and placing the contemporary practice within its historical perspective. You will be introduced to meditation and chanting, mantra and mudra as ways to access and quiet the mind. Students will gain the ability to do a guided meditation focused towards a specific practice.

+ Assists & Props with Farzaneh Noori

  • Saturday-Sunday, August 5-6, 2-6pm

How, as teachers, can we safely and effectively assist our students in their yoga practice? This practicum will provide ethical and strategic foundation for delivering assists and provide clarity around verbal, demonstrated and hands-on assists. In addition, this session will review key anatomical and postural markers that can help teachers figure out when and how to provide a physical assist to a student. Teachers will have the option of practicing both “hands-on” and “hands-off” assists based on their comfort level at the time of the session.

+ Trauma-Informed Yoga with Paul Cabanis

  • Friday-Sunday, September 22-24
  • Friday 6-8pm
  • Sat/Sun 2-6pm

According to yogic teachings all experiences are retained somewhere. At the individual level they are said to be deposited in the personal mind/body field, and at the cosmic level they are said to be recorded in the collective consciousness. Trauma can be characterized as experiences that are perceived as damaging and fear-inducing. As one aims to be present in ones life, these impressions may enter into the conscious mind causing disorientation. Or they may be inaccessible due to repression and therefore present somatically. In either case one is prevented from perceiving things as they are. 
Yoga practice may assist in making an inventory of persistent imprints, and train one to distinguish between helpful and harmful interpretation of memories.

Individuals who suffer from trauma-related symptoms could benefit from the mind-body practice of yoga—or have their symptoms reactivated by it, depending on the approach chosen. We will discuss how to create a safe, tailored practice for students to learn how to respond, rather than react, to symptoms and circumstances.

+ Introduction to Ayurveda with Farzaneh Noori

  • Friday-Sunday, October 20-22
  • Friday, 6-8pm
  • Sat/Sun, 2-7

A unique and all-encompassing path to self-knowledge, Ayurveda means “the science of life.” Ayurveda uses the fundamental principles of nature to help promote and maintain health by keeping the body, mind and spirit in a state of balance. You’ll learn the foundations of Ayurveda, including a greater understanding of Prakruti and Vikruti as well as basic theories of gunas, doshas, agni and ama. You’ll also learn how to incorporate Ayurveda in your teaching of yoga and create sequences based on specific doshas and the seasons, balancing the doshas and energies in the body.

+ The Practice of Teaching & Apprenticeship

  • Flexible schedule, on line

As a yoga teacher, you know the importance of experiential learning. In this module, you’ll have opportunities to practice teaching with feedback and guidance from your lead instructor. You’ll also be required to observe the teaching of others and learn to use each engagement with your colleagues—and your students—to enhance your own development as a teacher. The Practice of Teaching is essentially an in-depth study of the dynamics of the yoga class and how that dynamic shapes both what and how you teach.



  • Expanded Practice & Sequencing
    March 24-26

  • Breathing: A Yogic Model of Relationship
    April 14-16

  • Yin Yoga
    May 19-21

  • Advance Asana & Sequencing
    June 16-18

  • Yoga Philosophy
    July 14-16

  • Assists & Props
    August 5-6

  • Trauma-Informed Yoga
    September 22-24

  • Introduction to Ayurveda
    October 20-22

  • The Practice of Teaching & Mentorship
    Flexible schedule             

$3,200 / $500 Deposit
9 monthly payments of $300

{Until 2/28/23}
$2,950 / $500 deposit
9 monthly payments of $273 (Save $250)

$2,860 (Save $350)

Elective courses are paid separately, giving students the ability to work at a pace that suits their individual schedule and resources.

Yoga House offers 50% off on our unlimited membership to our 300hr trainees for the first year in the program. 

Please call (626) 403-3961 to register and for more information. We’ll be happy to discuss or answer any questions you may have.


300-Hour Teacher Training Instructors

Guiding the Path of Practice, our 300-Hour Registered Yoga Alliance Teacher Certification Program, is a comprehensive approach to advancing your practice with your teacher, Farzaneh Noori, Yoga House co-founder and owner, along with Ashleigh Doede, Paul Cabanis, Rene Quenell, Leslie Kaminoff and Melissa Christensen.


Farzaneh Noori

Farzaneh Noori, ERYT 500 is the co-founder and owner of Yoga House. She is a certified yoga instructor with over 25 years of practice and has been teaching since 1999 to a broad range of students. In the course of her training, Farzaneh has studied with some of the world’s most highly-regarded yoga teachers. She has received certification in asana, pranayama, anatomy and yoga philosophy from Tias Little; White Lotus Yoga from Ganga White and Tracey Rich; and Yin Yoga from Paul Grilley. In addition, she has studied extensively with Kofi Busia, Julie Gudmestad and Jill Miller. She received a certificate in Therapeutic Yoga from Cheri Clampett, the Founder and Director of the Therapeutic Yoga Training Program. Farzaneh is also a board certified Ayurvedic Health Counceler by NAMA (National Ayurvedic Medical Association).

Paul Cabanis

Paul Cabanis has been teaching in the Los Angeles area since 1991. After spending almost two years studying with the Iyengar family at their Institute in Pune, India, Paul has immersed himself in the study of yoga thought and weaves the philosophical and somatic aspects of yoga into his classes, providing an invaluable context. Paul teaches a full spectrum of classes and workshops nationally and internationally and has worked with doctors at the University of California Los Angeles (UCLA) to conduct medical studies on the effects of yoga on clinical depression, generalized anxiety disorder and Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS).

Ashleigh Doede

Ashleigh is 500 hour E-RYT YogaWorks Certified Teacher Trainer and YACEP with additional training in Urban Zen Integrative Therapy, Reiki levels 1&2, and 25 hours of Therapeutic Yoga under Dani Ibarra. She completed her first 200 hours of teacher training through YogaWorks in 2012 and then proceeded to continue her education in their 300 program from 2013-2014. Ashleigh then immersed herself into the Urban Zen Integrative Therapy training program in 2015, and furthermore completed 25 hours of the Therapeutic Experience with Dani Ibarra. Her love of teaching others has since guided her to pursue a career in leading teacher training; she co-lead a 200 hour teacher training program January 2019 as well as in 2020 with YogaWorks. Ashleigh has been teaching since 2012 and infuses her love for dance and aerial into her classes!

Leslie Kaminoff

Leslie Kaminoff, co-author of the bestselling book “Yoga Anatomy” and creator of YogaAnatomy.net, is a yoga educator and internationally recognized specialist with over four decades' experience in the fields of yoga, breath anatomy and bodywork. His approach to teaching combines intellectual rigor, spontaneity and humor, and is always evolving.

Rene Quenell

With more than 30 years of experience teaching, Rene specializes in yoga and meditation teacher training, yoga therapy, Ayurveda, and personal development. She loves sharing the teachings of a living lineage where spiritual practice is an instrument for navigating modern life with grace and ease. René currently studies with Pandit Rajmani Tigunait, the spiritual head of the Himalayan Institute, who initiated her into the Sri Vidya tradition. René supports the Institute's work in the US, India and Cameroon.  A devoted student and practitioner, she also continues to study tantra and philosophy with Sally Kempton, Dr. Katy Jane and Dr. Robert Svoboda.

Melissa Christensen

MELISSA CHRISTENSEN (E-RYT500, YACEP) is a full-time professional yoga teacher trainer and has been teaching yin yoga for over twelve years, having studied with Bernie Clark, Paul Grilley and his senior assistant, Joe Barnett, and Sarah Powers. She brings a wealth of knowledge to her trainings, offering a comprehensive, engaging and fun approach to her love of yin. Melissa has led over 35 yin trainings since 2014 across the United States and Canada. Her training is Yoga Alliance approved as a YACEP certified yoga teacher trainer. You can find her at www.yoginimelissac.com, on FB and IG @yoginimelissac.



  • Expanded Practice & Sequencing
    March 24-26

  • Breathing: A Yogic Model of Relationship
    April 14-16

  • Yin Yoga
    May 19-21

  • Advance Asana & Sequencing
    June 16-18

  • Yoga Philosophy
    July 14-16

  • Assists & Props
    August 5-6

  • Trauma-Informed Yoga
    September 22-24

  • Introduction to Ayurveda
    October 20-22

  • The Practice of Teaching & Mentorship
    Flexible schedule             

$3,200 / $500 Deposit
9 monthly payments of $300

{Until 2/28/23}
$2,950 / $500 deposit
9 monthly payments of $273 (Save $250)

$2,860 (Save $350)

Elective courses are paid separately, giving students the ability to work at a pace that suits their individual schedule and resources.

Yoga House offers 50% off on our unlimited membership to our 300hr trainees for the first year in the program. 

Please call (626) 403-3961 to register and for more information. We’ll be happy to discuss or answer any questions you may have.


300-Hour Teacher Training Registration


Yoga House 300-Hour Teacher Training
2023 Dates & Tuition


Expanded Practice & Sequencing
March 24-26

Breathing: A Yogic Model of Relationship
April 14-16

Yin Yoga
May 19-21

Advance Asana & Sequencing
June 16-18

Yoga Philosophy
July 14-16

Assists & Props
August 5-6

Trauma-Informed Yoga
September 22-24

Introduction to Ayurveda
October 20-22

The Practice of Teaching & Mentorship
Flexible schedule     


$3,200 / $500 Deposit
9 monthly payments of $300

{Until 2/28/23}
$2,950 / $500 deposit
9 monthly payments of $273 (Save $250)

$2,860 (Save $350)

Elective courses are paid separately, giving students the ability to work at a pace that suits their individual schedule and resources.

Yoga House offers 50% off on our unlimited membership to our 300hr trainees for the first year in the program. 

Space is limited! Please call (626) 403-3961 to register and for more information.

 Graduate Reviews

I was pleasantly surprised at how effective the online course was! I was mainly expecting to learn asana and anatomy, but I was so surprised at how enriching the philosophy element was. Thank you so much for a fantastic course! I am thrilled to be starting this new life-long journey!
William May
I love the program! I was so grateful to study with amazing teachers and friends. This training gave me a strength, mentally, physically and spiritually. I felt lots of love from Farzy during training. Thank you.
Noyuri Nakamura
Taking the 200 hr YTT at Yoga House was one of the best decisions I’ve made, and I’m so glad I took the leap to deepen my own experiences with yoga and learn to share the many gifts of this practice with others. I couldn’t have chosen a better place to explore these new depths, and am profoundly grateful for the beautiful community of teachers and practitioners that have fostered and encouraged such deep growth and transformation for myself and so many others in ways that extend far beyond the yoga mat. We learned and challenged ourselves in ways we never could’ve imagined, and I finished the training feeling so thankful and grounded and full of excitement and wonder at the expansive possibilities of the future. Thanks Yoga House! Looking forward to continuing on this incredible journey with you!
Diana Lee
Well worth it. I am so glad I found you guys, the whole experience was so worthwhile with a perfect tone. I will be back to take the 300hrs. Highly recommended.
John Bryan
Many many thanks to Farzaneh, for this incredible training program. Your knowledge, experience, heart and kindness are what drive this phenomenal program that I have been so fortunate to attend. You are the inspiring face of Yoga. You are developing well-trained teachers. The world is a better place because of you!
Namaste Madeleine Harvey
The YogaHouse instructor team is of exquisite caliber, with an incredible eye for detail. Quality is never sacrificed for quantity and the instructors have a natural sensitivity to the human condition - yoga and beyond. I greatly value the amount of time and effort put into preparing the content of the teacher training program.
Agatha Lenartowicz
Whether you want simply to deepen your own practice or to become a teacher, this is the class for you. Time well spent.
Vicki Tomikawa
Yoga House did an amazing job, but I have to say I’m not surprised...Yoga House always goes above and beyond. I would not want to have learned to teach from anyone or anyplace else in the world. Farzy and everyone at Yoga House is committed to making sure that all the students understood the material and that any questions got answered with so much positive encouragement and kindness. I can’t say enough good things about Yoga House. It’s just something that one must experience first-hand.
Meredith Kiser
This is a balanced training that allows the student to stand in their knowing and their practice with an inner understanding of self. A better person emerges from the mat into the world of chaos: a little calmer, more centered and compassionate.
Lynne Romanowski
I am so grateful that I completed the Yoga House teacher training because it has had a significant effect on my personal practice. Farzaneh’s guidance is transformative for those of us who have been raised with a “power through it” mentality. After nearly 18 years of practice, I am seeing yoga and practicing it with a much more inwardly-focused and graceful focus. Thank you for an amazing experience!
Michelle Hastings
The training opened a door for me that I didn’t even know was closed and that I will never be able to shut again.
Emily Socha
If you’ve waited for years to finally take a Yoga Teacher Training, don’t wait any more. There is a passion for yoga amongst these three main teachers - each unique, each sincere, each with a capacity to fill your soul and mind. I am so grateful I took the leap into Yoga House’s Teacher Training program. Every year I try to travel to exciting lands - like Nepal and Peru to explore a spiritual landscape. This year, I stayed in Pasadena and took the journey within. It will be a pilgrimage I take with me forever.
Ann Reed
Seriously, your program was well thought out and thorough- the schedule was also workable for those with day-jobs!
Chris Haydel
I am thankful to the Yoga House Teacher Training team of instructors for offering a solid and inspired foundation to students on all aspects of yoga. I am so pleased that I made the commitment of time and resources to develop, strengthen, and nurture my love of yoga.
Bo Luck Smythe
This training is exceptional. Intelligently and thoughtfully developed, it provides an excellent foundation for teaching. I feel well prepared to take what I’ve learned, and share it in my teaching. This program was even more than I had hoped for!
Namaste Madeleine Harvey