Yoga 101
Beginners' FAQ
Do's & Don'ts

  Yoga 101

A One-Day Workshop in the Basics


Offered  Monthly, Choice of Saturday or Sunday

2:00 – 4:00pm

Our beginner’s introductory “immersion experience,” Yoga 101 is designed for students who have never done yoga. Combining discussion, demonstration and practice, Yoga 101 will introduce you to yoga practice at a leisurely pace, step-by-step. You’ll learn basic yogic breathing techniques and get a taste of some of the most frequently encountered Level 1 poses. You’ll leave with a sense of what yoga is like, prepared to try your first “Gentle” or “Beginning 1” class with confidence. 

Classes are limited to 16 students in order to ensure personal attention. Pre-registration is recommended. Cancellations must be received 24 hours before workshop begins in order to be “rolled over” into a future Yoga 101. Sorry, no refunds.

Please call Yoga House at (626) 403-3961 to pre-register or for more information.


Choice of Saturday or Sunday
2:00pm - 4:00pm

Saturday, January 18
Sunday, February 16
Saturday, March 15
Sunday, April 13
Saturday, May 24
Sunday, June 22
Saturday, July 12
Saturday, September 13
Sunday, October 12
Saturday, November 8
Sunday, December 14

Special Offer!

“101 Plus” ($75) A great way to get started. Includes workshop plus our Starter Month (a $94 value). Offer available to first-time students only

Beginners’ FAQ


+ Q: How Often Should I Do Yoga?

The more yoga you do, the more positive changes you'll notice, but you can benefit from as little as one class a week. Some students practice every day. Ideally, we recommend you try for an average of two classes a week.

+ Q: I Don't Think I've Very Flexible. Will I Be Able To Do Yoga?

Contrary to popular belief, being flexible isn’t a prerequisite for practicing yoga! Some people are born naturally flexible, others have to work a little longer to attain their optimum flexibility. A regular yoga practice will definitely increase your flexibility. However, flexibility isn’t yoga’s only goal or its only benefit. The ultimate benefit of yoga -- to promote radiant health inside and out -- can be experienced by everyone, regardless of whether or not they can touch their toes!

+ Q: I Have An Ongoing Problem With My Back/Shoulder/Neck/Knee, etc. Will yoga help?

Yoga has proven therapeutic benefits when carefully applied. Speak to your instructor before class if you have an injury or other on-going physical concerns. He or she will then be able to tell you which poses to avoid and how to work around your problem areas. They may also be able to suggest particular poses you can do on your own that might help.

+ Q: Some of the poses don't feel very comfortable to me and I'm sore the next day. I thought Yoga was suppose to make you feel good?

Yoga balances and tones your body by using all your muscles and taking all your major joints through every possible range of motion. As you begin, you'll be calling upon parts of yourself you probably haven't used in quite some time, if ever (which explains that temporary soreness). It's natural for some of the poses to feel awkward or uncomfortable at first, but you'll discover that with a little time and regular practice, your body will begin to open, adapt and grow stronger. Along with feeling increasingly calm yet energized, centered and relaxed, your gradually increasing comfort in the poses will tell you you’re making progress.

+ Q: What if I have more questions?

Our front desk staff at Yoga House is always available during business hours to answer any basic questions you might have. We are also available to give you more in-depth answers to all of your yoga-related questions. You can drop by the front desk, call (626) 403-3961 or send your questions to:

+ Q: What's the best level class for me to begin with?

Beginning 1, with its moderate pace and detailed instruction, has been specifically designed to ease new students into yoga and provide a solid foundation in the basics. "Gentle Yoga" is also a good choice for those starting out, but be aware that this style focuses more narrowly on simple poses to promote relaxation and doesn't represent the full range of yoga. If your schedule makes it impossible to attend either Beginning 1 or Gentle classes, you can also try Level 1, but expect to do some following along since we've developed Level 1 for continuing students with a little more experience. Introduce yourself to your Level 1 instructor before class and let them know you're a new student: they'll keep an eye on you and give you any extra attention you might need. For those who prefer a “quantum leap” experience, we also offer "Yoga 101" each month – a two-hour special workshop for beginners.

+ Q: When I look around the classroom, it seems like others are more advanced than I am. Should I be concerned?

Our friendly instructors have all been trained to teach students of varying levels of ability and experience within the same class and are careful to maintain a supportive learning environment in which everyone can feel comfortable working at their own level. Whether they're demonstrating how to modify a challenging pose by using various props or giving you a hands-on adjustment in the course of teaching the entire group, our instructors make sure that everyone in the classroom can participate, from seasoned students to absolute beginners. Always feel free to ask your instructor for additional help or clarification if you need it. They're happy to help!

Do’s & Don’ts

To get the most out of your yoga practice:


+ DO bring your own yoga mat to class if you have one.

Your first free class includes the use of one of our rental mats. Thereafter, rental mats are $2 and come with a sanitary wipe. Thick, sponge-y or slippery mats designed for other forms of exercise, whether made of foam or cloth, are not ideal. We strongly recommend you purchase your own mat, one specifically intended for yoga practice.

+ DO let your teacher know if you have an injury or other condition that might limit your participation before class.

Once informed, your teacher will be able to advise you on which poses to avoid and to provide you with the guidance you need to avoid re-injury during the class.

+ DO plan ahead so that you can arrive to class a little early and stay until the class ends.

Get the most out of each class by making sure you’re there for the whole thing. Arriving a little early also gives you an opportunity to get the most out of your practice by doing a few stretches or by just sitting quietly. If you must leave early, please do so as quietly as possible!

+ DO wear comfortable clothing to class.

Choose something that doesn’t restrict your movement but that isn’t so loose-fitting that it will get in your way. Yoga is practiced barefoot. Wearing socks is not recommended, but you may leave your socks on if you wish. There are two dressing rooms available at Yoga House for your convenience.

+ DON'T be late to class.

Especially when you’re starting out, arriving late to class puts you at a disadvantage. Not only do you lose out by missing an important part of the practice, you may also fail to receive important instructions.

+ DON'T eat a big meal before class.

Give your body a chance to digest before doing yoga. A light meal or snack is fine, but try to allow at least an hour between eating and practicing.

+ DON'T hesitate to ask questions.

Your teacher is here to help you and welcomes any questions you might have at any time.