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The Joy of Movement: Playful Practice Explorations with Carrie Owerko

The Joy of Movement: Playful Practice Explorations with Carrie Owerko

Friday-Sunday, June 21-23, In-Studio Only

Say “yes” to the possibility of play. Say “yes” to the joy of movement.
~ Carrie Owerko

Join Carrie for this all-levels workshop: a playful, modern movement science informed exploration of yoga and movement. We will explore novel ways to increase our capacity to move with variety, maintain and gain strength and mobility over time, and have fun doing so. We will look at simple and playful ways to make various poses and movements more accessible, but to also challenge the body to learn new things, get stronger, and become more adaptable. We will look at how we can use balance, play, and even dance in our practices to enhance adult adaptive neuroplasticity--that is, our ability to learn new things throughout our lives. Most importantly we will celebrate the JOY of MOVEMENT and a chance to gather, practice, and play TOGETHER, in person, once again! 

Friday, June 21, 4-6pm

Make friends with the floor. Slide, roll, expand, contract and find whole body connectivity. We will play with floor-based movements both on and off our mat. This will be multiplanar floor play, integrating classic yoga poses with somatics inspired movement and floor practices from modern dance. This work/play can help us explore options for how we move, relate to our body, the floor, and each other. 

Saturday, June 22, 10-12:30pm
Whole Body Core Play

This class will continue our multiplanar, joyful, movement explorations. We will explore our whole body core and how the relationship between our periphery or distill end points and our proximal body can dance together. Classic yoga poses, and other movement inform this playful morning practice.  

Saturday, June 22, 2-4:30pm
Finding Fluidity

A fun and playful exploration of fluid movement. In this afternoon class we will play with different ways to move, flow, relax and expand.  

Sunday, June 23, 10-12:30
Sunday Funday: Spirals and Snakes

Integrating the work/play of our previous classes we will dive into even more multiplanar play. We will synthesize the ideas we have been playing (in our body) and explore how we might expand our practices to include a greater variety of movements.  

Sunday, June 23, 2-4:30
Afternoon Delight

We will use this time to relax, expand, process and, of course, play. This last class is intended to be a delightful conclusion to our weekend of joyful movement.  

 Note: These topics are subject to slight alteration depending! This workshop is about movement optimism and option-ism! It is a chance to let go of fixed ideas of right and wrong how things “should” be, and let go, explore, learn and most importantly, PLAY! We will create a space for surprise and delight. 

Carrie Owerko is a renowned yoga and movement teacher with a vast international following, having travelled throughout Europe, Asia, Australia, and North and South America to share her unique interdisciplinary approach, which weaves movement and exercise science principles into her decades-long study of yoga. Carrie created a series of best-selling online courses for Yoga Journal and has been featured in multiple publications. Recently, Carrie founded The Playground, a virtual studio and library where she imparts her intelligent, playful, and evolving approach to yoga and movement with students globally. She holds BFA in Dance and Theater and is a graduate of the Neighborhood Playhouse Theater School in NYC, as well as The Laban/Bartenieff Institute of Movement Studies in New York. She is a Certified Movement Analyst (CMA), holds Senior Level Iyengar teaching credential, and is a certified Yoga Therapist (C-IAYT), Functional Range Conditioning Mobility Specialist, among other certifications. 

All 5 workshops $350, Early Bird $ 320 before 6/10
Bundle of 4 workshops $ 280, Early Bird $260 before 6/10
Single sessions $75

This workshop is in-studio only
Space is limited! Pre-registration required.
Please call 626-403-3961

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