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Surya Namaskara, Marma Points & Living Ayurveda Live On Line with Indu Arora

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Saturday, Sept 11, 2-5pm (PST)

Indu Arora, Ayurveda and Yoga Therapist considers herself a student for lifetime. Her teachings are deeply rooted in the philosophy: ‘Nothing has the greatest power to heal, but Self’.

Join Indu for these informative and inspiring workshops and enhance your understanding and your practice of yoga. Following the workshop, you'll receive a link to the recording for 15 days, so you can take the class as many times as you want!

Marma points are the bridge between the subtle and the physical body. By studying Marma we realize the three divine wisdom of Yoga, Ayurveda and Tantra within our body. In Ayurveda, they are considered as the meeting point and the birthplace of the three doshas. When the practice of asana is done with focus on marma points, the pranic channels open up, facilitating the flow of prana in the entire body. The study of marma is essential for an aspiring Yogin, Yoga Therapist and Ayurvedic Practitioner to deepen their understanding of the very subject and bring insight and depth to their own practice.

In this workshop the time spent together will be divided in practice, discussion and Q and A to serve the attendees.

~Meaning of marma

~Type of Marma

~Why Marma Points

~Marma point in the practice of Surya Namaskara

~How to trigger marma points in Surya Namaskar

~Q and A

*Supporting Tools: YOGA Ancient Heritage Tomorrow’s Vision (Book) RYT will be eligible for CEU’s

Sunday, Sept 12, 2-5 pm (PST)

“Uttishtha Jagruta Prapya Varani Bodhata”
Get up, Arise and stop not until the goal is reached!!

The time to talk is over! How you live your life matters and more than that how you live everyday of your life matters. Ayurveda is not merely a study of herbs and doshas, it is a living science. It helps us understand who we are, how to stay established in the state of health and how to live a life of dharma. We may read hundreds of books and accumulate thousands of hours of in person training, yet if we do not live by the philosophy, the knowledge remains dead and dull.

Join this workshop on Ayurvedic Daily routine to learn how to live Ayurveda by making it accessible in day to day life. Be an inspiration to those around you by being YOU.

Practical Tools:

~What is living Ayurveda

~Why Ayurveda

~5 Steps to establish Circadian rhythm through morning routine

~5 Steps to establish Circadian rhythm through evening routine

IMP Reading:
SOMA 100 Heritage Recipes for Self Care by Indu Arora (eBook available through Amazon, Barnes & Noble, Kindle, Google Play, Apple Books)
Yoga Ancient Heritage Tomorrow’s Vision by Indu Arora (

Supporting Tools: Tongue Scraper Bundle, Face and Body cleanse powder – Yogis Glow, Copper Neti Pot, Marma Stick: All available at

INDU ARORA, Ayurveda and Yoga Therapist considers herself a student for lifetime. She has been sharing about Yoga philosophy, Yoga Therapy and Ayurveda since 1999. She is inspired by and taught under Kriya Yoga, Himalayan Yoga, Kashmir Shivaism and Sivananda Yoga lineages. She has studied both Yoga and Ayurveda in a traditional Guru paramapara setting.

Her teaching style is rooted in empowering and inspiring students to awaken the inner guru. Her core philosophy is ‘Nothing has the greatest power to heal, but Self!’

Mudra: The Sacred Secret
Yoga- Ancient Heritage, Tomorrow’s Vision (known as The Little Red Book on Yoga)
SOMA- 100 Heritage Recipes for Self-Care


Both workshops $130 Before 9/1 • $140 Thereafter
Single workshop $75
Following the workshop, you'll receive a link to the recording for 15 days, so you can take the class as many times as you want!
Space is limited! Pre-registration suggested.
Please call 626-403-3961

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