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Working with difficult emotions in your practice with Paul Cabanis

Working with difficult emotions in your practice with Paul Cabanis

Saturday, December 11, 2-4:30pm (PST)
In-studio & Livesttream

In the Yoga Sutra, Patañjali states that the practice of Yoga reduces the outflow of mental and emotional energy through a gradual re-absorption into the primary cosmic matrix.
Patañjali mentions depression as one symptom which distracts the consciousness from the yogic path. This condition appears to be quite universal. We are either unhappy or afraid of being unhappy. Patañjali refers to it as the “anguish of transformation.” On account of this, Patañjali mentions that even “joyful experiences have the tinge of sorrow to the discriminating individual.” What we call depression seems to be an outflow of the suffering into which we are born and which Yoga may help us to transcend.
Following the workshop, you’ll receive a link to the recording for 15 days, so you can take the class as many times as you want!

Before December 11 $60, Day of workshop $65
Following the workshop, you’ll receive a link to the recording for 15 days, so you can take the class as many times as you want!
Space is limited! Pre-registration suggested.
Please call 626-403-3961

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