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Yoga and the Mind: Yama - Code of conduct with Paul Cabanis

Yoga and the Mind:
- Code of conduct
with Paul Cabanis

Saturday, January 22, 2-4:30pm (PST)
In-studio & Livestream

Yama forms one of the 8 limbs of Yoga. It is divided into 5 principles:

  • Ahimsa - Kindness

  • Satya - Honesty

  • Ashteya - Gratitude

  • Brahmacharya - Honoring the creative process

  • Aparigraha - Letting go

The word ‘yama’ can be translated as ‘restraint’. The yamas recognize inter-relational tendencies that we may mitigate by practicing their opposites.  This helps us to be more conscious of each action we take. And as an extension of this practice a code of conduct can evolve that governs our relations within the community we are participating in.

We will be exploring these tendencies of the mind through the lens Asana and Pranayama.
Following the workshop, you’ll receive a link to the recording for 15 days, so you can take the class as many times as you want!

Paul Cabanis’ teaching combines precision and detailed instruction with enthusiasm, warmth and a sense of humor. Encouraging students to practice in a spirit of inquiry and to bring the subtle layers of yoga practice fully to life, Paul also weaves the philosophical and historical aspects of yoga into his classes, providing an invaluable context. Paul has been teaching at Yoga House since 1998 and teaches a full spectrum of classes and workshops nationally and internationally. He has worked with doctors at the University of California Los Angeles (UCLA) to conduct medical studies on the effects of yoga on clinical depression, generalized anxiety disorder, and Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS). He recently helped create a yoga therapy curriculum for the David Geffen School of Medicine at UCLA.

Before January 22 $60, Day of workshop $65
Following the workshop, you’ll receive a link to the recording for 15 days, so you can take the class as many times as you want!
Space is limited! Pre-registration suggested.
Please call 626-403-3961

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